Monday, February 2, 2009


Another weekend quickly passed.... How does it go by so fast?? Truthfully, I've had a few down days (kinda started Thursday) and haven't really picked-up yet. Jeremy and I know that there will be ups and downs but I hate it when I feel low and cannot focus on anything.

Charles came down on Friday and left early this morning. Jeremy really enjoyed getting some "brother" time and I know that it helps when we can be around family.

My mom had a birthday on Thursday of this past week and we are going to Pelham this weekend to celebrate with her. My parents are also going to be celebrating their 42nd anniversary on Tuesday of next week. So we will be able to do alot of celebrating while we are there. 42 years.... Wow!! I could be so much older than I am... That's weird.

Baby is very active at some point each day (still usually late afternoon to evening) which always makes me feel relieved. He gets going when I'm settling down for the day (I say 'he' because that is the appropriate pronoun when you are being non-gender specific. We do not know HE or SHE at this point but I'm going to use 'he' as my pronoun of choice until I know otherwise. FYI).

We have an appointment with Dr. Stutts on Tuesday, February 17th and with the Maternal/Fetal Medicine Clinic on Friday, March 13th (thanks, Dad). So, we're just waiting until then to find out more.


  1. Hello friend!

    Just wanted you to know that I'm still praying for y'all all the time. You're constantly on my mind, and I'm so thankful for the time I spent getting to know you better.

    I'm loving the pic of your pets! I'm such an animal lover, and I wish my house looked like yours with all the dogs and cats. I have to settle for one dog and a gerbil. hehehe...

    Both of you take care of yourselves, and I'm gonna keep checking your page. Let me know if you need anything, ok?

  2. Johnna,

    I just wanted you to know we are praying for peace in your situation right now. You may or may not know what we have been through over the past 2 years, but please know that God can take you and even help you grow and have joy on paths you certainly would not have chosen for yourself. If I can offer any words of comfort or encouragement, I would love to! My blog tells our story, and we are on FaceBook as well.

    We are praying for you :)

    Stephanie and Stewart Thorson
